Basil Seeds

Eating basil seeds may seem like one of the newest health trends but in reality, this has been in practice for thousands of years in many parts of the world. While the health benefits are impressive, it is critical to understand the source, as well as the potential uses and side effects before adding these seeds to your natural health regimen.

What are Basil Seeds?

Basil seeds are the seeds of the basil plant, which is also known as great basil or St. Joseph’s Wort. Scientifically known as Ocimum basilicum, the basil plant is known as one of the world’s most famous herbs, and is a popular addition to countless global dishes. However, the seeds of this plant are often overlooked, despite having a rich concentration of powerful compounds and active ingredients that can impact human health. Some of the key active ingredients in basil seeds are dietary fiberironprotein, phytochemicals, polyphenolic compounds, orientin, vicentin, and other powerful antioxidants. 

Basil seeds are also known as sabja seeds, tukmaria seeds, and tukmalanga seeds, among others, are popular seeds in certain cultural cuisines, particularly as an addition to beverages and desserts. Note that these are the seeds from the sweet basil plant, rather than the holy basil plant. The seeds of that basil species are not typically consumed. Basil seeds are completely black and tear-shaped when dry, roughly the same size as chia seeds. While these seeds are not common, their potential health benefits are causing an increase in their popularity, and they are readily available in natural health food stores and online.

There has been a recent fad among health conscious people on including healthy seeds to their diet. Seeds like basil, flax and chia are a few seeds that can work wonders in weight management and at the same time are nutrient-rich! Read on to know more about these super seeds and their health benefits.


Health Benefits of Basil Seeds

The most notable health benefits of basil seeds include their ability to improve digestivehealth, aid in weight loss efforts, boost the appearance of the skin, strengthen the hair, regulate blood sugar, cool the body, relieves stress, builds strong bones, lower blood pressure, improve vision, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and prevent certain infections.

Weight Management

These little seeds can work wonders for weight management, the high amount of omega three fatty acids make these super seeds a perfect thing to add to your daily meal and lose weight effectively. Basil seeds are a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is enriched with the goodness of Omega-3 fatty acids. Sabja or basil seeds help in reducing hunger pangs and keep you satiated for a long time.

Hair Care

With a significant level of iron and various antioxidants, basil seeds can stimulate the production of hair and prevent premature hair loss. The iron is essential for circulation to drive blood to the scalp and is also required for the production of strong hair from the follicles. In women with iron deficiency, iron supplementation may increase the efficacy of hair loss treatment. The antioxidants in these seeds will help prevent inflammation and oxidative stress on the scalp, which can often lead to hair loss.

Reduce body heat 

It’s a perfect thing to consume to during summers by adding to your drinks. It helps in reducing body heat as these seeds work as a natural coolant. This is why it is used in many detox drinks. Right from adding to drinks to curd, these seeds can easily help in reducing the body heat.

Improves digestion

Basil seeds can naturally detoxify the body and ease out bowel movements. These basil seeds work as a natural laxative. Drinking basil seeds with warm water or milk can relief digestion issues, constipation and bloating.

Skin Care

With such an impressive concentration of antioxidants and flavonoids, basil seeds are able to improve the health of the skin and stimulate the growth of new cells. Antioxidants counter the effects of free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress and eventually lead to cellular mutation, resulting in wrinkles, age spots, and blemishes. Regular use of these seeds can reduce the appearance of those marks, as well as scars and act as an anti-aging substance.

Lower Cholesterol Levels

Studies have shown that sweet basil seeds are directly associated with a decrease in LDL or bad cholesterol levels, which means a lower risk of atherosclerosis and plaque deposition in the arteries and blood vessels. This will also reduce strain on the heart and reduce your chances of heart attack and stroke. The cholesterol-lowering effect of basil seeds may be related to the soluble fiber they contain, which helps the body bind and eliminate cholesterol. 

Prevents common cold and flu

Basil seeds are not helpful in keeping the body cool during scorching summers or keep you satiated, but at the same time consumption of basil seeds can prevent as well as cure viral, common cold and flu. The antispasmodic properties of basil seeds can cure dry cough and relax the strained muscles.

Control Blood Pressure

Research has found that the level of potassium in basil seeds is enough to directly impact blood pressure. This hypotensive effect is because potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it can relax the tension in the arteries and blood vessels, thus reducing strain on the cardiovascular system.